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Featured Skater: DuraBelle

Name: DuraBelle

Number: 1020

Team/League History: KRD member 2 years going to be 3!

Year you became involved in roller derby: 2022

How did you get involved with roller derby? FreshMeat

Where are you from originally? Maine

Name a fun little known fact about you: Currently the oldest Skating skater on KRD!

How did you pick your name? I am durable.

What is your pre-derby sports/skating background? Soccer and softball 

Please tell us about your rookie year and how you learned to play or officiate roller derby? I learned from KRD training team.  They are the best:)

Do you have a pre-game ritual? Feeling nauseous!

Do you have a favorite motivational quote?  Live to the fullest and do your best!

What is your position of choice? Blocker

What is your favorite drill at practice and why? Catching a goat.

How would you describe your derby playing style? I have no style just getting better and stronger each practice!

Have you held any leadership positions in leagues? How have those positively impacted your personal roller derby career?  Yes, taught me to be understanding and respectful of others.

What is your job outside of roller derby? And how, if at all, has it contributed to your experience of roller derby?  I work for a non profit, Community Alliance for Progressive Education and  I am a real estate agent at Century 21 Affiliated. 

What advice do you have for people who want to get involved in roller derby? Do it!

Keeping with our 2024 season theme (A Decade of Derby), what is your personal favorite decade or era? Why?  90’s because I was in my teens!

And lastly, favorite places in the Keweenaw?  And lastly, favorite places in the Keweenaw?  Covered Drive, Rocket Launch, Porcupine Mountain and sandy beaches.