Name: Afro Disiac
Number: 88
Team History: This is my second season with the Keweenaw Roller Girls
Year you started roller derby: End of 2016 I started Fresh meat.
Where are you from originally? Las Vegas, NV
Name a fun little known fact about you: Most people don’t know I had two thumbs on my left hand when I was born. 😊
How did you get involved with roller derby? I started volunteering maybe 2013-ish. Thimbleberry Slam asked me for years after that to join. I finally caved, how could you say no to that face??
How did you pick your name? My fiancee actually picked it for me, Ha! I use to have a pretty large Afro, so it seemed fitting, especially with my flirty personality.
What is your pre-derby sports/skating background? I’ve been on roller skates since I was a small child. Every other year I would throw a party at the skating rink for my birthday. I was involved in a lot of inline speed skating races back home.
Other than that, I’ve played sports my entire life. Basketball, softball, tennis, I ran track. I’m a sports fiend.
Please tell us about your rookie year and how you learned to play roller derby? Oh man, my rookie year was phenomenal. I got tossed right in there, took some pretty intense hits, and gave out a few too! Derby actually changed my life, it was the perfect support system during a rough time. I 🖤💚 my girls.
Do you have a pre-game ritual? Not really, I usually listen to music, eat plain pasta.. use the restroom like 10 times, but that aspect is involuntary lol.
Do you have a favorite motivational quote? Treat others how you want to be treated. Does that count as motivational? It’s the only quote I love.
What is your position of choice? I very much enjoy jamming.
How would you describe your derby playing style? Fast, hard, and exciting! When I’m on the track, I feel sort of like a gazelle lol
What are some of your greatest roller derby accomplishments on the track? I think some of my greatest accomplishments on the track were: a couple apex jumps, learning to transition around blockers, and getting MVP at our last home bout of the season last year.
Have you held any leadership positions in leagues? How have those positively impacted your personal roller derby career? Last year I spent most of my time getting volunteers and making sure they knew their jobs. This year I am the bout production chair and have way more responsibility. It’s a little overwhelming to be honest. I think it makes me appreciate the game more. You get to see more of the behind the scenes, and all the work and effort that goes into every bout.
What is your job outside of roller derby? And how, if at all, has it contributed to your experience of roller derby? I just recently switched jobs. I am a customer service representative for Midwest Loan Services. I don’t think that job has much of an impact on roller derby lol.. but my previous job as a bartender was all about people pleasing. I think I do that very well when it comes to derby!
What advice do you have for people who want to play roller derby? Do It! You’ll always have fun, and don’t be afraid to take risks. Remember to stay low!
And lastly, favorite places in the Keweenaw? Oh man, that’s a rough one.. I enjoy so many places around here, and haven’t had the opportunity to visit them all, so it really isn’t fair to say I have a favorite. Copper Harbor is one of my favorite spots, as well as pictured rocks. If I can be sappy, the Keweenaw is where I have raised my family, met my wonderful fiance, and met people who truly inspire me, especially KRG. It has given me the opportunity to truly see what life is all about. This community is full of inspiration and beauty.