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We’re Recruiting!

The Keweenaw Roller Girls want to grow our league!

Vulnerability is not about fear and grief and disappointment (1)


We’re seeking new skaters (Fresh Meat) to join us on the flat track. No experience? No problem!

Each season the Keweenaw Roller Girls host a 10 week program that teaches the 101 of skating and roller derby. This year marks our 6th rendition of this program. If you’ve never skated before, that’s okay, but you will need your own gear. Skates, knee, elbow and wrist guards, helmet, and mouthguard.

Over the course of the 10 weeks we teach the mechanics of propulsion, transitioning, speed skating, and how to block and be blocked, as well as an introduction to the rules to get those mental sponges wet.  This is a fast paced sport with lots of strategy. This program is to get new skaters familiar with the sport and what it is like to be on roller skates.

Once the program has reached it’s conclusion, each skater is provided with an opportunity to take the Minimal Skills Requirement test or MSR. This test insures you have an understanding of safe play, can place control over your body and your skates, and is required in order to play in an actual game.

So here’s the stuff to know:
When: Starting Sept 18th (Sunday) – Classes are on Sundays from 12-3pm – these are dedicated to you, Fresh Meat. You are expected to make as many of these as possible. Available to attend (as supplement only not as a substitute) are the regular league practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30pm. This gives you track time and a place to practice new skills, however, many advanced drills will be off limits to you.

Where: Houghton County Arena  – this is our competition home and practice space in the late spring and summer. Once the snow flies and the ice hits the rinks KRG moves to our alternative spaces. Spaces includes, Finlandia University, Hancock High School, and Jeffer’s High School. All within 10-15 minutes from home in Hancock, MI.

How much: The program is $150 in total. This can be split into two payments of $75. It is nice to have an opportunity to test things out before you completely commit, so KRG offers the first two sessions “free,” after which the first payment is due on the 3rd Sunday.

In addition, each league skater must purchase liability insurance through the WFTDA. This is purchased annually. Your initial insurance costs are pro-rated as the insurance goes from Jan 1 to Dec 31 of each year. Annually the cost is $75, when you purchase insurance now it is around $40.

Buying Skates and Gear:  Please contact us through our website, email, or facebook page to inquire about special pricing on gear. There are several websites to purchase gear from, though unfortunately, in our neck of the woods there are no brick and mortar stores to buy from.

Join the KRG Fresh Meat 6.0 Facebook group for more info, or contact us here!