The Keweenaw Roller Girls are entering recruitment season! We hope that if you have an interest in roller derby (skater or ref) you’ll come check out the activities we’re hosting over the next few weeks! We encourage folks with no experience and tons of experience to join us.
Please direct questions to OR our Facebook page
2018 Boot Camps, Aug 26 & Sept 9
We’re hosting two single day boot camps where you can give roller derby a try! We’ll have gear – skates, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist guards, and helmets – available for you to try on. Once everyone is geared up, a few veteran skaters will walk you through stops, starts, and some very basic skate skills. At the end, we’ll do a little off-skates derby and talk about what joining derby looks like. Both boot camps will be run the same, so feel free to attend just one or both!
Sunday, August 26 or Sunday, September 9
12p-3p (12-1 test gear, 1-3 skate!)
Dee Stadium, Houghton
Please wear work-out clothes and sneakers
See our facebook events for up-to-the minute info on boot camps
New Skater Program
Each year we host a 10 week new skater program to introduce both basic skating skills and the game of roller derby to folks who want to join the team or become a referee. You will need your own gear (See our gear recommendation list for an idea of what that entails. However, please don’t purchase anything until you’ve spoken to us – we don’t want you to get stuck with something that you can’t use!)
Check out our “Join the League Page” for a more in-depth overview!
The 2018 program will run from September 23-December 2. Times and location TBD (location will vary due to imminent hockey season!)