We’re recruiting new skaters, referees, and non-skating officials. No experience necessary at all – we’ll teach you everything you need to know!
Keweenaw Roller Derby is a group of individuals determined to establish a thriving, committed roller derby community throughout the area that fosters self-esteem, community spirit, sportsmanship, and leadership skills in its members.
Attend one or both recruitment events:
Virtual Q&A
April 9, 4-5p
Drop in to get all your questions answered!
Please register in order to receive the virtual Q&A link.
Skating Meet & Greet
April 10, 1-3p
We’ll be at Finlandia’s Hirvonen Hall Gym (Downtown Hancock – the gym is on the first floor, just to the left of the main entrance). Drop in to try on gear, skate around, and get more questions answered! Registration not required but appreciated so we can have enough gear on hand!
Can’t attend any events or have questions? Reach out to us at info@keweenawrollerderby.com or via our Facebook page!
FAQs about Joining Keweenaw Roller Derby
What is the New Skater Program ?
This is the multi-week training session we offer at least once a season. If you attend you will learn basic skating and derby skills such as, stopping, blocking, transitions, skating in a group, and more. It is intended for team-building, to get you to a point at which you can safely join the rest of the team for full-practices and games.
What if I want to officiate?
Yes please! Skating Officials can use quad or inline skates and are welcome to go through the New Skater Program in order to develop their skating skills and understanding of the game.
When is the next New Skater Program?
Sundays starting April 24, 2022
Do I need to know how to skate?
Not even a little bit! We accept all skill levels into our New Skater Program and will teach you all the skating skills you need to know.
Any other requirements?
You need to be 18 or older and you should be in OK health. You don’t have to be crazy athletic, but derby is a rough, full-contact sport. You will be hit, fall down, and get bruises. Use your common sense! You are also required to have secondary insurance through the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association to skate with us ($75/year).
Do I need my own gear?
Yes. We’ll host a Meet & Greet where you can try on gear, and we may be able to provide loaner equipment for a short time. However, you will need to purchase your own equipment.
What kind of gear?
Every skater is required to wear a helmet, wrist guards, elbow pads, knee pads, a mouth guard and quad roller skates. We can provide gear recommendations and may even have some used gear available for sale.
What happens after the New Skater Program?
At the end of the program, skaters who can skate safely in a group will join full-league practices while refs and non-skating officials will begin working with our Officials crew. Skaters who are not quite able to join practices yet will have ample opportunity to participate in practices without full-contact drills!
Because we are skater owned and operated, once you join the team and participate in full-league practices, you will be expected to make practice attendance requirements, pay dues (currently $45/month) which serves the league’s operating costs, and to work fundraisers and events whenever possible.