Keweenaw Roller Girls Score a Win
The weather was as hot as the derby action on Saturday night at the Calumet Colosseum, as the Keweenaw Roller Girls (KRG) beat worthy opponents, the Shipwreck Alley Rollers (SAR) 366 to 72.

Although Saturday’s bout was the first away match for the newer SAR, who made the trip up from Alpena Michigan on Friday, they played hard and were respectable opponents.
Newer KRG skaters Glam Bam, Amelia HitsHart, and AfroDisiac all had the opportunity to take a turn in the jamming rotation alongside KRG veteran jammers Thimbleberry Slam, Starbuck, Wrath B. Nimble, and Black Ice. From SAR, skaters Skellawhore, Siren Sea Pearls and Punkahotness were stand outs due to their agile skating and smart derby playing. However, newer skater No Fox Given was voted game MVP by KRG for “being a real menace on the track”.
At half-time, viewers were treated to a mesmerizing and interactive belly dance performance courtesy of 47 North Belly Dance troupe from Hancock. Their gyrating hips and artistic maneuvers were truly a sight to behold!
Hosted by Shute’s historical tavern, the bout after party was memorable: tall tales shared, cold drinks consumed, new friends made, and great tunes spun by DJ Dave Brotherton. Mother Nature even treated us to some classic Keweenaw late spring weather drama in the form of heavy rain and wind. Like most weather in Michigan, we waited five minutes and it changed.
Overall, the events of Saturday night at the Colosseum served to bring communities together: both the roller derby community and the tightly knit community that are the folks of the Keweenaw.
Our opponents, Shipwreck Alley Rollers may not have won this one, but they are showing great sisu as they continue on their journey that is sure to mean great things for them in the future. As for KRG, we are proud to know the skaters of SAR, and can’t wait to meet again!

Contributor: I Love Skatin’ #666