A Keweenaw Roller Girls documentary. Produced by Rick Allen of the Keweenaw Report and Houghton Public Broadcasting. Many sincere thanks for this contribution and highlighting what roller derby is all about.
KRG Season Closer: Kingsford Krush
Saturday was hot! Temperatures were in the mid-80’s outside and the interior of the arena quickly warmed to something similar to a hot-yoga class. Unseasonable for certain, but made all the cold beverages that more thirst-quenching. The crowd was thick with seasoned fans and a healthy cheering section of Girl Scouts seated in the stands behind the benches. All were primed to close the season with a high level of excitement.
Keweenaw got off to a strong start with a multi-pass first jam and soon was far ahead in the first half. An unfortunate injury to one of Kingsford’s jammers resulted in a lengthy time out while the skater was assessed trackside. It was certainly a tenuous time for everyone in the arena as we awaited the return to play. We are thankful to report she is home and resting and wish her some swift healing.
With eight skaters remaining on Kingsford’s roster against Keweenaw’s thirteen, Kingsford couldn’t take a defensive hold. Endurance was the name of the game in the second half. Keweenaw has worked diligently the last few months on refining their offensive strategies and it showed with the breeze in which their jammers moved throughout the pack. That’s not to say it was all breezy; several Kingsford blocker’s sent KRG jammers flying on the outside with precision hip clips. In the end however, Kingsford fell to KRG in a score of 58 to 266.
The Upper Peninsula is fortunate to have Kingsford back and rolling after a few year hiatus. Returning with great number, great leadership, and fresh blood, this team is gaining strength. We suspect in a short time they will become quite a contender for Keweenaw and the surrounding leagues.
KRG Recruitment Camp
The Keweenaw Roller Girls are recruiting skaters and we’d like to invite you to come join us for an intro to derby and skating.
No experience required!
No gear required!
Sunday, September 10th
Sunday, September 17th
Noon to 3PM
Calumet Colosseum
We’ll be hosting interested folks who think they’d like to get involved. Try on skates, ask questions, participate in some fun games and learn some skating skills. We’re here for you to explore opportunities in the sport of flat track roller derby.
It’s a Bonanza of Bacon!
Gotta catch ’em all- bacon treats, that is! Friday July 14, the Keweenaw Roller Girls, with the generous support of the Douglas House Saloon, will be selling bacon-on-a-stick, bacon grilled cheese, and bacon pancakes for you to catch hold of and enjoy. Please join us outside of the Douglas, downtown Houghton between 9pm and midnight to partake in these tantalizing eats. For your purchase, not only do you get to savor the luscious taste of bacon, but you also get to enjoy the sweet satisfaction that accompanies supporting your local roller derby team. Hope to see you there!
Let the Good Times Roll: Art of KRG
Hold onto your hats- there’s art a comin’!
Please join the Keweenaw Roller Girls as they present Let the Good Times Roll: Art of KRG, an art show generously hosted by Cross Country Sports, Calumet.
The show will run from June 27 until July 27, with an opening reception taking place in conjunction with First Friday Calumet festivities on July 7, 6-9pm. Artists, KRG league members and friends will be present at the opening to discuss the works and local roller derby opportunities. Cross Country Sports is located at 507 Oak St, Calumet MI.
Let the Good Times Roll: Art of KRG is an eclectic and colorful show, featuring vibrant poster art and design by Katie Jo Wright, Jonathan Soper and Terri Frew. Further roller derby related art will also be presented from artists Melissa Williamson, Sam Flora, and Joe Mac. Select items will be available for purchase.
Much like KRG themselves, this art is unique and individual- a true sight to behold.